Version 0.9.0

Maps | Tiles | Info | Server | Other

Map functions

Convert a map bitmap to a Subspace level (.lvl), optionally using a WallTile definition for advanced conversion features.
Deconvert a Subspace level (.lvl) to a map bitmap; if a tileset is present, save it as a separate tileset bitmap.
Convert a Subspace level (.lvl) to a Subspace level (.lvl).  Useful when you hand edit a map and need to make the WallTiles reconnect to each other.
New Map
Create a blank map bitmap to edit in your favorite image editing program.
Overlay one map onto another.  Useful to overlay Diffs onto newly reconverted maps.
Make Diff
Create a map containing only the changed tiles in a map.  If you hand edit some tiles in your map, you can use this to save just your changes in .lvl format.  If you have to convert the map again, you can Overlay this Diff instead of having to redo all your hand editing.
Use WallTiles
If you don't want WallTile support, uncheck this (or just use SSME). :)