Attribute VB_Name = "GeneralDeclarations" Public MarioMovementH As Integer 'Movement variable for Mario's movement on the horizontal plane (X) Public MarioMovementV As Integer Public MarioPose As Integer Public MarioDeathPose As Integer Public Jump As Boolean Public JumpDistance As Integer Public JumpingFall As Boolean Public MarioDirection As Integer Public MoveRight As Boolean Public MoveLeft As Boolean Public MoveRightJump As Boolean Public MoveLeftJump As Boolean Public JumpOnce As Boolean Public ClimbAnimation As Integer Public Index1 As Integer Public Index2 As Integer Public Movement As Boolean Public Ladder1 As Integer Public Ladder2 As Integer Public LadderOld1 As Integer Public LadderOld2 As Integer Public LadderClimb As Integer Public ShortLadderUp As Integer Public ShortLadderDown As Integer Public KillLevel As Integer Public Death As Boolean Public DeathRoll As Integer Public MarioLives As Integer Public BarrelRoll As Integer Public Barrel1 As Integer Public Barrel2 As Integer Public Barrel3 As Integer Public BarrelMovementH(0 To 15) As Integer Public BarrelIndex1_(0 To 15) As Integer Public BarrelIndex2_(0 To 15) As Integer Public vbOkay Public DonkeyKongMove As Integer Public Bonus As Integer Public ScoreNow As Long Public Sound As String Public Music As String Public DonkeyKongDance As Boolean Public DonkeyKongDie As Integer Public LivesChange As Boolean Public Unload1 As Boolean Public PauseSound As Boolean Public Restart As Boolean Public MusicMute As Boolean Public SoundMute As Boolean Public About As Boolean