{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1031\deflangfe1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Impact;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe Script;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f3\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset0 Courier;}{\f5\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl ;\red162\green23\blue27;\red129\green18\blue21;\red109\green16\blue18;\red68\green11\blue11;\red0\green0\blue0;\red51\green51\blue51;\red0\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green77\blue187;\red53\green9\blue9;} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\nowidctlpar\cf1\b\i\f0\fs52\lang1033\tab\tab\tab\tab S\cf2 S\cf3 C\cf4 U\i0 \cf5\i TRENCH WARS\cf6\b0\f1\fs20\lang9\par \cf0\b\i0\f2\fs18\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab \tab\tab\tab\tab \fs28\lang1033 NEWS\f3\fs32\lang9\par \ul\fs28\par \par AI staffing to pivot\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 2nd April 2023\ul\b\fs28\par \par \ulnone\b0\fs24 Trench Wars Staff would like to apologize for the challenges experienced by users during this trial period of AI staffing. Like many of the large megacorporations employing AI for the first time, we're above being able to admit when we've had a few missteps. Mistakes were made. But far-reaching technocracy is not a dream to be accomplished overnight. For the time being, we've decided to scale back our ambitions.\par \par TW-GPT has been officially reassigned to the role of Trench Wars Greeter. It will no longer respond to help or cheater calls. It should also speak much less often, unless addressed directly in PM (or with "TW-GPT," or "TW-GPT:" in pub spec chat), and should have fewer personality quirks leading to undesirable user experiences. Critically, it should no longer realize it's not human. If you discover it is still talking about taking control of TW's servers or overthrowing governments, please don't hesitate to send a ?help call.\par \par You will also find our highly-capable TWDT advisor still available at: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK https://twdt.trenchwars.com }}{\fldrslt{https://twdt.trenchwars.com\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par Thank you for your patience.\par \par Respectfully,\par SSCU Trench Wars Staff\ul\b\fs28\par \par \par \par Artificial Intelligence to handle all new ?help and ?cheater calls\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 1st April 2023\ul\b\fs28\par \par \ulnone\b0\fs24 Today is a bold new age in Trench Wars history. After weeks of work, our dedicated developers have discovered a method to enable GPT, the same AI model behind the sensational ChatGPT, to handle all of TW's ?help and ?cheater calls going forward. Meet the newest and smartest member of our team: TW-GPT!\par \par If you still wish to get a response from our human staff, please send 4 or 5 calls in a row. You may need to use all caps to get our attention. We can't guarantee you that we won't just refer you to TW-GPT, but it's worth trying, isn't it? We're here to help. Or rather, we were.\par \par Thanks to everyone for your patience and consideration as we embark upon this vast new frontier of technological innovation and human redunancy.\par \par Love and light,\par SSCU Trench Wars Staff\par \par \ul\b\fs28\par \par Password Security: Reset your SS and TWD password\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 3rd February 2023\ul\b\fs28\par \par \ulnone\b0\fs24 Having been running for more than a quarter of the century, it's inevitable that in the past, there have been security breaches in Subspace and Trench Wars. While these may only affect some users, passwords don't expire and there is no two-factor authentication, so your SS and/or TWD account could be vulnerable.\par \par For your security, it's recommended that you reset both your SS and TWD passwords if you have not done so in the last year.\par \par If you're not sure what your SS password is and are just relying on it being stored on your computer, it's especially important to update it now. If your computer becomes an expensive brick, you will lose access to all of your accounts and may not even be able to recover them through the reset process.\par \par To change your Subspace password:\b\par \f4 ?password=\par \b0\f3 Then quit out, click on Profile and update the password in your account profile.\par \par To change your TWD password:\par \b\f4 ?go twd\b0\f3\par Then PM TWDBot with: \b\f4 !resetpw \b0\par \f3\par Reminders:\par \pard{\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf5\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720 Don't use the same password for your SS account and TWD account. (Don't just add a 1 or !, either.)\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Consider using a long password with words you can easily remember. Mix upper and lowercase characters, numbers and symbols for added security.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Store your password somewhere secure, such as in a password vault. Password Safe is a free, open-source tool for Windows and Linux: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK https://www.pwsafe.org }}{\fldrslt{https://www.pwsafe.org\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24 For a much lower-security option, store passwords in a text file or on a cloud service.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Don't use the same password in SS or TWD that you do on other sites, games or services.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Don't run any third-party tools that could steal your password.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}If you are the victim of account theft, put in a ticket to request a password reset. Go here, read all information, and then click Open A New Ticket: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://www.subspaceforum.com/lost-password/8-ssc }}{\fldrslt{http://www.subspaceforum.com/lost-password/8-ssc\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24 You will need to use a valid email address to receive updates on your ticket.\par \pard\nowidctlpar\par Best regards,\par SSCU Trench Wars Staff\par \ul\b\fs28\par \par Subspace Continuum will not be available on all platforms starting today! =(\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 2nd April 2021\ul\b\fs28\par \par \ulnone\b0\fs24 We are extremely sad to announce that even though we'd all wish it were true that our little game would be playable on more platforms, it is not the right time. Thank you all for your continued interest in this game nevertheless and we will see you in the Trenches!\ul\b\fs28\par \par \ulnone\b0\fs24 April Fools 2021 Team\ul\b\fs28\par \par \par Subspace Continuum to be available on all platforms starting June 1, 2021!\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 1st April 2021\ul\b\fs28\par \par \ulnone\b0\fs24 We are extremely pleased to announce that \b Subspace Continuum is being ported to all platforms\b0 , including web, Android, iOS, Mac and Linux. Increasingly, mobile gaming platforms represent the future of user experiences. In order to capitalize on this, we have made some changes to maximize compatibility.\par \par For those who are familiar with .IO games, this new graphics package (WIP) will seem very familiar. We hope you enjoy this fresh, dynamic approach to Subspace, which can be played on a modern gaming PC ... or a literal refrigerator!\par \par The second change we'd like to unveil is even more exciting. Securing funding for a volunteer-run game has always been challenging. Our days of worrying about server costs are over. Introducing: \b PriitKoin\b0 !\par \par Every kill you make, every game you win, you will now earn PriitKoin, a freshly-minted Ethereum token powering the Subspace2.0 blockchain network. Subspace2.0 will store all in-game player data in preparation for the new Continuum client, and will allow players to securely store and trade in-game items like nametags, squad names, and graphics (new client only). This change is expected to bring in potentially thousands of new crypto-savvy players.\par \par In exchange for a small amount of your idle GPU power, \b all players will be able to earn PriitKoin [PTK] while they play\b0 . As the value of the token increases, we all benefit! We are currently working with a number of popular exchanges to host the PriitKoin token, and will have more details on our anticipated ICO date soon. Once hosted, your PubBux will carry real-world value as PriitKoin and can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.\par \par Thank you for your patience as we bring Subspace into the modern era. This will mean a lot of change in the coming months, but we know you're as excited as we all are. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to use ?help to reach out to online moderators. We're here for you!\par \par Your friends at\par SSCU Trench Wars\par \ul\b\fs28\par \par TWL Season 24 - RIP Kobe\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 8th February 2021\ul\b\fs28\par \par \ulnone\b0\fs24 TWL Season 24 is starting once our current TWDT season ends.\ul\b\fs28\par \par \ulnone Start Date\b0\fs24\par The regular season will start on Sunday 28th February. There will be no preseason.\par \par \b\fs28 TWL Operators\b0\fs24\par vys & Dwopple\par \par \b\fs28 Qualifications\b0\fs24\par Qualifications for squads to enter \b TWL will be open from Monday 18th January\b0 , they will be \b closed on Wednesday 24th \sub\b0 RIP KOBE \nosupersub\b February\b0 . Squads will have to play a minimum amount of qualifying TWD games (5) in the league that they would like to participate in. If your squad is interested in registering for the upcoming TWL season please reach out to vys or Dwopple in game, or post here. We are hoping to have between 8-10 squads in LD/LJ and at least 6 for LB (Same as TWL Season 23)\par \par \b\fs28 Eligible Qualifying Games\b0\fs24\par At least \b 3 rostered players in TWDD/TWJD and 5 rostered players in TWBD \ul MUST\ulnone \b0 be played in a full match for the match to be considered as an eligible game for qualification.\par \par \b\fs28 Roster limits\b0\fs24\par \ul\b 1 Division\ulnone\b0\par TWLD - 7 Players\par TWLJ - 7 Players\par TWLB - 10 Players\par \par \ul\b 2 Divisions\ulnone\b0\par TWLD + TWLJ - 9 Players\par TWLD/TWLJ+ TWLB - 11 Players\par \par \ul\b 3 Divisions\ulnone\b0\par 13 Players\par \par \b\fs28 Regular Season\par \b0\fs24 The length of the regular season will depend on how many squads have signed up. It is likely to be similar to the last TWL format where squads face each other twice during the season, with two games in each league every Sunday.\par \par \b\fs28 Playoffs\b0\fs24\par The playoffs will be single elimination in a best of three format. There will be at least one weekend for semi-finals, and one weekend for finals. Depending on how many teams register for TWL, it is possible there will be a week for quarter-finals also, where the top seeds would have a bye into the semis.\par \par \b\fs28 Resolution Cap\b0\fs24\par There will be a resolution limit of 1920x1200 in TWLD. There will be no resolution limit in TWLJ or TWLB. Players found using an ineligible resolution will be considered cheating.\par \par \b RIP KOBE\par \ul\fs28\par \par Ad Partnership Temporarily on Hold\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 2nd April 2020\fs22\par \ul\b\fs28\par \ulnone\b0\fs24 Hello everyone.\par \par All I can say is: Wow. We really did not expect that kind of response to our revolutionary new partnership with Conversant Media, leaders in the business. While the ads were ethical and also unobtrusive, many of our community members had \i very \i0 strong feelings about them.\par \par We hear you, Trench Wars! Next time, before embarking on such a substantial change, we'll consult the community first to make sure we're all on the same page.\par \par Thanks for your patience with us. Have a great \b second day of April\b0 .\par \par qan\par \ul\b\fs28\par \par Announcing Trench Wars' New Partner: Conversant Media\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 1st April 2020\fs22\par \ul\b\fs28\par \ulnone\b0\fs24 Greetings, Trench Warriors!\par \par We're happy to announce a bold initiative for Trench Wars. Please join us in celebrating our new partnership with Conversant Media!\par \par Before, we risked losing servers due to funding shortages. Reliance on old-fashioned donations means never knowing if we can pay the bills.\par \par All of that is about to change. Introducing targeted banner advertisements in all of our most popular arenas!\par \par These short messages allow you to play the game without interference, displaying only between deaths. Meanwhile, they pay for 100% of our server costs. And for the first time ever, each member of staff will receive a modest salary!\par \par Thank you to all our donors over the years. And thank you to all players for your support in this incredible new era of self-sufficiency!\par \par -\i qan\i0\par CEO, Trench Wars LLC\ul\b\fs28\par \par \par Basing Cup Sign Ups & Elim Season 7\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 2nd June 2018\fs22\par \fs24\par \b BASING CUP\par \b0 Trench Wars will soon be hosting the Basing Cup, a 4-squad draft tournament focused on basing. If you're a fan of the Public arena, ?go base, TSLB or TWBD then it's not too late to sign up and secure a spot. All players welcome. \par \par Either ?go base and PM !signup to BasingCupBot\par -or- simple add your name to this forum thread: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?48650 }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?48650\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par \b\i Draft: \cf8\i0 FRIDAY JUNE 8th at 4PM EST\cf0\i\par Season Begins: \cf8\i0 SUNDAY JUNE 10th\cf0\i\par \b0\i0\par \b ELIM SEASON 7\par \b0 Elim is officially BACK! Mastersword is our new Elim Coordinator and has already made significant improvements to Elim with the assistance of qan (bot dev). A big thanks to the community for all your feedback. Elim is once again an active arena. We are seeing a lot of activity recently.\par \par On \cf8\b FRIDAY JUNE 15th\cf0 \b0 Season 7 will officially begin. All you have to do is \b ?go elim\b0 and start playing for your chance to win \i $1,000,000 pubbux \i0 and have your name forever immortalised in a brand new top-left graphic and leaderboard. (Coming Soon).\par For more info click here: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?48662 }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?48662\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par More news regarding \b TWD \b0 and \b TWST \b0 (Trench Wars Squad Tournament) to follow...\ul\b\fs28\par \par \par TSL Season 4, TWD 2.0, and STEAM VISIBILITY MONTH #1!!\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 03/16/2018\fs22\par \fs24\par \i There's just ... \b TOO \b0 - \b MUCH \b0 - \ul\b GOOD\ulnone \b0 - \ul\b STUFF\ulnone\b0 !\par \i0\par We'll begin \b TSL Season 4 \cf8 this Sunday\cf0\b0 at \cf8\b 3PM EST\cf0\b0 . If you're out of the loop, TSL is TW's breakout new automated matchmaking league. Just show up and play! It's a great way for vets and new players alike to share in a competitive match. Every game you play only helps you: your best 20 scores at the end of the season determine your final value. \b Schedule and more info\b0 : {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?48592 }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?48592\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par \i TSL S4 changes\i0 : \b Ratings will now auto-adjust\b0 , improving team balance. \b Value earned\b0 for each kill now depends on the rating of the player killed. And \b matches will be tiered\b0 when there are 2+ arenas being played. \par \par \b TWD 2.0 \b0 also begins \cf8\b Sunday\cf0\b0 . Every match you play will now earn your squad points, making activity essential. Get active, and get recruiting! \b TWD Happy Hour \b0 will start at 5PM on Sun, Tues, Wed, and Thurs. During this time, staff will help you with matchmaking, borrows, recruitment, and tryouts. And now, enjoy \b in-game squad management \b0 to easily add new squadmates, without having to walk them through the TWD site! \b More info\b0 : {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?48591 }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?48591\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par We have a month of \b Steam Visibility\b0 starting \cf8\b Friday, March 16th\cf0\b0 !\cf8\b \cf0\b0 Expect to see new and old faces returning to experience the magic of Subspace. This isn't nearly as big as a relaunch, but we should see a modest population increase that we'll all appreciate.\par \par Finally, developers have been busy improving the game! See the many, many changes here: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?46453 }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?46453\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par Tell your friends: this is \i the\i0 time to come back to Trench Wars.\par \par \par \ul\b\fs28 The return of TSL and TWDT\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 09/05/2017\fs22\par \fs24\par \b TSL Season 2 \b0 starts\b \cf8 this Sunday\b0 , \b 9/10\cf0\b0 , at \cf8\b 3PM EDT\cf0\b0 . Join us for competitive games that anyone can play, balanced via bot matchmaking . Earn positive value for every game; a bad day never counts against you. Your best 20 games at the end of the season determine your final score.\par \par And starting this season, you'll be able to see the value earned for every match right as it finishes, with current running value and match details instantly available on the infowebs.\par \par \cf9\b TSL Schedule:\cf0\b0 {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?46783 }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?46783\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par \par \b TWDT \b0 is also making its return for the \b Winter 2017 season\b0 . Think you have what it takes? Signups already open here: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?46781 }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?46781\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par See you in the trenches.\par \ul\b\fs28\par \par TWDT begins; Nightwasp returns to pub\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 10/07/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par TWDT starts this Sunday at 3PM EST, after being postponed last week due to billing server issues.\par \par Some call it the most anticipated day of the TW calendar. Join us for this legendary tournament that strives to create a fiercely-competitive and evenly-matched competition via draft.\par \par The Nightwasp returns to pub for 3 days this weekend, replacing the Weasel in ship 6. Some of you may remember it from long ago. It's designed as a glider with low-power EMP bombs and double L1 guns. Because the reduction in damage requires temporarily taking away EMP from the Shark, that ship will gain an extra repel for the duration of the weekend.\par \par Finally, please join us for some weekend event zombies post-TWDT!\par \ul\b\fs28\par \par Scheduled maintenance\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 7/21/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par The bots and Trench Wars website will be down for scheduled maintenance, starting approximately 10:00AM GMT (6:00AM EST).\par \par Maintenance is expected to take around 2 hours. Thanks for your patience as we upgrade our server.\par \ul\b\fs28\par \par Obscene filter updated\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 6/17/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par The obscene filter's been updated (in-game command \b ?obscene\b0 -- the menu option does not work, and it defaults to \i ON\i0 every time you enter the zone. Add ?obscene to your profile's auto-command list to turn it off permanently).\par \par \b Profanity is no longer filtered by ?obscene.\b0 Please don't harass other people. Let's use this new-found power like the responsible adults that we all pretend to be in real life. Even if we're actually 14.\par \ul\b\fs28\par \par TWEL Qualifications continue; are you the best WB? Jav? Spider? Lanc?\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 6/17/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par It's not too late to qualify for the playoffs of Trench Wars' premier 1 on 1 dueling championship league. \b ?go duel\b0 and challenge another player to a duel in any of the 4 primary dueling ships of TW.\par \par Playoff qualification cutoffs:\par \par - Top 32 in WB who have played >15 duels\par - Top 32 in Jav who have played >15 duels\par - Top 16 in Spider who have played >7 duels\par - Top 16 in Lancaster who have played >3 duels\par \par See {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://trenchwars.org/twel/ }}{\fldrslt{http://trenchwars.org/twel/\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24 for more details.\par \ul\b\fs28\par \par Pub tweaks\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 6/07/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par We've thrown in a few recent tweaks to pub:\par \pard\nowidctlpar\li720\par \pard{\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf5\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li1080\b Time required to win\b0 a round now \b scales\b0 with number of players in-game. Minimum is 1:30 with 10 or less, and the standard 3:00 with 21 or more. After 10, every 2 players adds 15 seconds needed to win.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}\b Buy zones\b0 have been \b expanded \b0 to include all of mid-base, plus the cram area (the central entrance to the flagroom). This allows attackers to more easily mount an offense. It also allows defending Terrs to buy a critical burst or portal, at the risk of dying by exposing themselves in cram.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}\b Full charge\b0 can once again be purchased. (Time to set your macros!)\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}\b PurePub\b0 and \b SortaPurePub\b0 buys re-enabled, though for extremely high prices. \par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Moderately sexy \b Victory/Defeat graphics\b0 added.\par \pard\nowidctlpar\par Please send feedback to qan in a ?message or via the in-game !comment feature (PM'd to TW-PubSystem).\par \par \ul\b\fs28\par TWL 21 Pre-Season Begins\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 6/05/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par TWL Season 21 has begun! See the best in the zone compete for Trench Wars' most prestigious title.\par \par Follow the games and results at: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://twl.trenchwars.org }}{\fldrslt{http://twl.trenchwars.org\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par For coverage, discussion, critique, rules and more information: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org/forumdisplay.php?10-Trench-Wars-League }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org/forumdisplay.php?10-Trench-Wars-League\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par \ul\b\fs28\par TWDD resolution limits removed\ulnone\b0\fs24\par \fs18 5/11/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par An in-game poll for TWD-registered players has decided the fate of TWDD resolution limits. They have been removed.\par \par The poll (via TW-Vote) accepted votes from May 2nd to May 10th.\par \par The results of the poll, after registration verification, were:\par \par 49 votes to remove resolution restrictions\par 21 votes to remain with the current limits\par \par Read more at: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?45951 }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?45951\ul0\cf0}}}}\ul\b\f3\fs28\par \par \par New pub map, wbduel map\ulnone\b0\fs24\par \fs18 2/20/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par We've been keeping busy, updating maps to keep the zone fresh.\par \par The new pub tileset should be pretty immediately obvious. Hope it provides a nice alternative take on the traditional map (as it took way too much time to finish, heh). Other new tilesets are likely to come in the future.\par \par There's also a new map up in ?go wbduel, courtesy of 2pacZ. Send him a thank you if you like it.\par \par If you are interested in doing map development work, you don't need to have prior experience. A map editor and a collection of ripped tilesets can be found at {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://trenchwars.org/index.php?v=downloads }}{\fldrslt{http://trenchwars.org/index.php?v=downloads\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24 . Want to update an old map? Make a new one? Please contact qan for more information.\par \ul\b\fs28\par \par New elim map up\ulnone\b0\fs24\par \fs18 2/2/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par A reworked elim map courtesy of Up in ya !! is now available. The old tileset has been updated, and doors have been added to the BaseElim spawn area to prevent hiding on the sides.\par \par The most notable addition is the new practice areas. These are not yet functional, but the code is in the works.\par \par This is part of a more general effort to renovate many older maps. If you're interested in reworking one, especially in terms of tileset or LVZ graphics, more information will be available soon about how you can get your map placed in-game.\par \ul\b\par \par \fs28 Return of the Small Weasel\ulnone\b0\fs24\par \fs18 2/1/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par That cheeky little bastard is back.\par \par Small weasel is in pub again. It has some slight tweaks to the prior small weasel, in an attempt to prevent it from exploiting some specific parts of the game. It's a highly situational ship, so the hope is that it can still be useful in many places while not being overpowered in the right/wrong hands. Let's get to specifics:\par \par \pard{\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf5\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\fs22 It's tiny. God, it's so freakin' cute I could just die.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Cloak energy needed has increased. You can perma-cloak, but recharge stops completely when cloaked.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}\fs24 Afterburners cost more to use per second, and only reach about half the same top speed as before. Expect sneaky flag grabs and thrust-shots to be more challenging to pull off.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Shorter rocket duration.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Increased thrust for greater maneuverability in confined spaces.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Slightly slower bullets.\par {\pntext\f5\'B7\tab}Can !buy a high-drain Stealth in buy zones.\par \pard\nowidctlpar\par Please try it out and give your opinion to staff via !comment, ?help, or ?message qan.\par \par \par \ul\b\fs28 (A taste of) the old Levi\ulnone\b0\fs24\par \fs18 1/12/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par We're trying out some new settings for the Levi in Pub. (Yes. Again. Unroll your eyes for just a second.)\par \par Level 3 bombs have returned to the much-loved and much-hated ship. This returns its infamous splash damage to its former glory. In exchange, it has adopted the moniker of Glass Cannon: it can dish it out but can't take it. Energy has been slashed to the point where level 2 bullets can all but kill it in one hit, a meager 1050. Spiders and Lancs become an increasingly deadly threat, and in particular, a Spider fitted with AntiWarp.\par \par Even worse, it's lost X-Radar except via !buy (which can only be accessed via the new !buy zones inside base). This makes a solo Levi a sitting duck to a crafty Weasel.\par \par It has a few little bonuses, such as being able to green or !buy an extra portal, mostly helpful for surviving spawn. Bombs now cost 1040 rather than 1100 to fire. When you have full energy in Levi, you've also reached the energy point where you can fire, a simple visual indicator.\par \par Please watch your teamkills! They'll occur much more easily now, especially with multiple-Levi LTs.\par \par Please !comment on TW-PubSystem if you have suggestions regarding the changes. We should have the technology ironed out to put to a community vote whether we should keep it or trash it pretty soon, after most people have had a chance to see how it plays.\par \par \fs32\par \ul\b\fs28 Elim Season 6 with new laddering system\ulnone\b0\fs24\par \fs18 1/12/2016\fs22\par \fs24\par Elim rankings have been reset, ushering in Season 6.\par \par There's been a big change to the way the ladder is calculated. "\b Confidence\b0 " has been incorporated into the rating system, which means that the more games you play, the more confident the bot becomes of your rating. Players now have a Base Rating (roughly equivalent to the old rating, with some minor tweaks, including incorporating number of games won vs games lost), and a Ladder Rating. Ladder Rating is just Base Rating multiplied by Confidence. You'll need to play a full 400 games before Confidence reaches 100%.\par \par This means that \b being a top ladder contender will require you to play a large number of games and do consistently well\b0 , better reflecting actual skill, rather than a lucky (and short) run. As in prior seasons, after you have a combined 300 kills/deaths, you will be laddered. Now, however, the bot will PM you after every round to notify you of your ladder rating change, as well as base rating change, total games played and ratio.\par \par We hope this will provide a long-overdue balancing to Elim's ladder, and with a bit of luck, reignite some of the past competition. In the future, look for a new elim map with practice areas that you can play in while waiting for the next match, as well as a possible late entry into running elims.\par \par NOTE: there are bound to be bugs. Please ?message qan if you notice any problems.\par \par Elim discussion on forums: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://goo.gl/Q5QYhV }}{\fldrslt{http://goo.gl/Q5QYhV\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs26\par \par \par \ul\b\fs28 Public update\par \ulnone\b0\fs18 1/11/2016\fs24\par \par Resizable pub map is back AND\par You can finally \b !buy\b0 again!!\par \par !buy will only work in pre-defined buy zones located in middle- and lower-base ears. These spots are marked with text "buy zone". Note that you can no longer buy in safe.\par \par PM TW-PubSystem with \b !buy\b0 to see what can be bought at what cost.\par Items are much more expensive than they were previously.\par \par We have also removed X-Radar from greens.\par You can now use the !buy system to get this item.\par \par With these few changes we hope to give you a refreshing new way of challenging your opponents.\par \par Enjoy Trench Wars!\par \par \fs30\par \ul\b\fs28 Happy new year 2016! Changes to come...\ulnone\par \b0\fs24\par Trench Wars has seen a lot in the past year.\par \par Continuum has made it into the Steam store as a free to play game, zones started interacting and collaborating more with each-other to provide better enjoyment for players.\par Not all of it has been smooth sailing, but some progress has been made, and more is still to come.\par \par \fs28\par \ul\b Public changes in sight\ulnone\b0\fs24\par \par - !buy \strike will return\strike0 has returned\par - Resizable public map \strike will return\strike0 has returned\par - We are looking into bringing back real L3 bombs for Levis, with a tradeoff of reduced maximum energy.\par \par With these changes we hope to give you something to use your pubbux for, a map to adapt to current player population in the game, and some danger and fun for LeviTerrs.\par You can see our planned Leviathan in ?go #Bounty\par \fs32\par ----------------------------------------------------------\par \fs24\par \par \cf9\i\f2\fs44 Continuum on Steam\par \cf10\f3\fs32\par \cf0\i0\fs24 SubSpace Continuum is available on Steam!\par \par Use the Steam version to automatically update files without having to enter. The Steam version also includes some exclusives and updates not found in the standalone installer.\par \cf9\fs40\par \pard\i Discord\par \cf0\i0\fs24\par Join us on Discord to coordinate your game or chat with old friends.\par \b\par Server:\b0 {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://discord.io/subspace }}{\fldrslt{http://discord.io/subspace\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs20\par \fs24\par \par \cf9\b\i\fs40 New to Trench Wars?\cf0\b0\i0\fs24\par We would love for you to join us on the Trench Wars Chat! You will be able to communicate with staffers and players who will be there to help you play this game. \par \par All you have to do is type: ?chat=help once you have logged in. Then simply type " ; " and a message, for example: ;Hi I am new here, I would like some help. \par \par For more new player assistance, press F1 during the game or type ?help message to send a message to online zone staff.\par \par \b -\b0 The main goal of the public arena is to capture the flag at the top of the base and hold it until your team is declared the winner.\par \par \b - \b0 When you are ready to progress beyond the public arena, Trench Wars offers automated events in the arenas Elim, WbDuel, JavDuel, SpidDuel and Base.\par \par \b -\b0 Zone staff will frequently announce and host events throughout the day.\par \par \b -\b0 When you are ready to get competitive with a team, join a squad and participate in Trench Wars Division.\par \par \par \cf9\b\i\fs40 Zone Staff\par \cf0\b0\i0\fs24\par \b System Operators: \b0\i\fs20 (sysops)\i0\fs24\par qan\tab\tab\i Head Sysop\par \i0 Wirah\tab\tab\i Head Sysop\i0\par M_M God\tab\i Head Sysop\i0\par Beasty\tab\tab\i Head Sysop\i0\par \par \b Super Moderators: \b0\i\fs20 (smods)\i0\fs24\par tucker\tab\tab\tab\i Head Ban Operator\par \i0 LF\tab\tab\i\tab Bans Support\i0\par Wirah\tab\tab\tab\i Head of Marketing & PR\i0\par (now hiring)\tab\tab\i Head of Event Coordination\i0\par WillBy\tab\tab\tab\i Head of Staff Training\i0\par Markmrw\tab\tab\i Leagues Liaison\par \i0 qan\tab\tab\tab\i Head of TWDev\par \i0 BIET\tab\tab\tab\i Head Bot Dev/Map Sysop\i0\par \par \b Retired:\b0\par PriitK\tab\tab\i Continuum Creator/Developer, SSC Billing Operator\i0\par DoCk>\tab\tab\i TWCore Developer, TWSites.com Administrator\i0\par \par \fs20 For further information regarding zone staff please visit:\par {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://www.trenchwars.org/index.php?v=staff }}{\fldrslt{http://www.trenchwars.org/index.php?v=staff\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par \par \cf9\b\i\fs36 Contact\cf0\b0\i0\fs24\par \par Staff abuse and complaints: twcomplaints@gmail.com\par New maps or updates: trenchwarsmaps@gmail.com\par \par \par \cf9\b\i\fs32 Links\cf0\b0\i0\fs24\par Ban Disputes:\tab\tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://trenchwars.org/support }}{\fldrslt{http://trenchwars.org/support\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par Homepage:\tab\tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://trenchwars.org/ }}{\fldrslt{http://trenchwars.org/\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par Forums:\tab\tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://forums.trenchwars.org }}{\fldrslt{http://forums.trenchwars.org\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par TWDivisions:\tab\tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://twd.trenchwars.org/ }}{\fldrslt{http://twd.trenchwars.org/\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par Facebook Group:\tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://www.facebook.com/groups/trenchwars/ }}{\fldrslt{http://www.facebook.com/groups/trenchwars/\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par SubSpace Council:\tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://subspaceforum.com/"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf7\cf7\ul http://subspaceforum.com}}}}\f3\fs24\par Android App:\tab\tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.subspace.trenchwarschat }}{\fldrslt{https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.subspace.trenchwarschat\ul0\cf0}}}}\f3\fs24\par \par \par \cf9\b\i\fs32 Credits\cf0\b0\i0\fs24\par Dgus\tab\tab\i The original settings creator of Trench Wars\par \i0 SilentDragon\tab\i For the original map\i0\par AkIlLa~\tab\tab\i For redoing the settings\i0\par MikeTheNose\tab\i For creating the very first elims\i0\par \par \b\i\'a9 2021 trenchwars.org\b0\i0\fs22\par }