{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;}{\f2\fnil Tahoma;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;\red255\green172\blue0;\red225\green176\blue30;\red255\green0\blue0;\red192\green80\blue77;\red46\green111\blue253;\red0\green176\blue80;} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.16299}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\li90\f0\fs16\lang9 Welcome to Extreme Games!\par Website: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://www.extreme-games.net }}{\fldrslt{http://www.extreme-games.net\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs16\par Facebook: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK https://www.facebook.com/sscuextremegames }}{\fldrslt{https://www.facebook.com/sscuextremegames\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs16\par \par \pard\li90\qc\cf2\b\fs56 Welcome To Extreme Games!\cf3\b0\fs72\par \cf0\fs32 Welcome to Extreme Games, the fastest & boldest flagging in SubSpace! New? Type "\cf4 !tut.s\cf0 " in chat to start a tutorial or "\cf4 !tut.o\cf0 " for a help overlay.\par \fs24 For more information visit {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://www.extreme-games.net }}{\fldrslt{http://www.extreme-games.net\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs24\par \pard\li90\fs16\par Latest Zone News:\par ----------------\par 10/20/23 - Extreme Games, in partnership with Steam, is proud to announce EG LEGENDS 2024 season. For more information, please visit the Extreme Games official discord.\opar 12/31/2017 - \cf4\b Happy New Year! Here's to a great 2018.\cf0\par \tab -\cf5\fs22 \cf0\b0\fs16 If you haven't already signed up for EGFFL, type in \b !signup \b0 into pub.\par \tab - Drafting starts just after the new year. Check out the league's forum for more information: \par \tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=365 }}{\fldrslt{http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=365\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs16\par \par \par 10/19/2017 - \b New Public Map!\par \tab -\cf5\fs22 \cf0\b0\fs16 New public map thanks to doomsy!\par \tab - Total flags count changed to 4\par \tab - Maximum number of flags you can carry has been reduced to 1\par \tab - This flag changes is only temporary! \par \par 05/22/2017 - \b New EGC update!\par \tab -\cf5\fs22 \cf0\b0\fs16 !buy.list price now reflects the same price as the new !buy wit 1 EGC = 1 Bounty\par \tab - !egc.donate has been disabled as we will begin to move to the new EGC system.\par \tab - So far only a maximum of 5000 OLD EGC will be transferred to your\par \tab - NEW EGC account at a 1 to 1 ratio.\par \tab - !va and !va command is now available to see your new EGC.\par \tab - Or you can see your EGC balance at the top right of your screen.\par \tab - If you have more than 5000 EGC, it will be moved at a later time.\par \par 05/14/2017 - \b Settings Update / New items in !buy\par \tab -\cf5\fs22 \cf0\b0\fs16 Lancaster can only lay 3 mine was 4. (Nerf)\par \tab - Terrier\rquote s bomb fire delay has been decreased (Buff)\par \tab - Energy prize weight has been decreased to decrease\par \tab the chances of not having full energy after you die to help\par \tab improve the recharge issue players has been noting. \par \tab - Flag carrier speed penalty has been reverted back to the old days\par \tab - Note: Overall settings between egbdl and pub setting settings has been\par \tab - merged. This will be EG\rquote s main setting as we move forward with\par \tab - future leagues or subarenas with the exception of \par \tab events that are hosted by staff.\cf5\b\fs22\par \cf0\b0\fs16\par 05/13/2017 - \b New Stuff\par \tab -\cf5\fs22 \cf0\b0\fs16 Currently we are still in transition from old to new EGC.\par \tab - Here is a list of new commands and features.\par \tab - !buy \emdash New store to spend your new $.\par \tab - !va or !va name to see a players balance in the new $ system\par \tab - Or simply look at your top right screen to see your $\par \tab - !richest or !poorest to show the richest and poorest\par \tab - KILL SPREE now rewards players with new $ \par \tab - DEATH SPREE now rewards or takes away player\rquote s $\par \tab - JACKPOT has been moved into the new $ system\cf5\b\fs22\par \cf0\b0\fs16\par 05/04/2017 - \b FlagStats currently disabled\par \tab -\cf5\fs22 \cf0\b0\fs16 We have disabled public arena\rquote s flag stats module to see if\par \tab - it will help with the lag for a day or 2. Please let Fc know\par \tab - if you notice any different or still the same with it being off.\par \tab - Thanks!\cf5\b\fs22 \par \cf0\b0\fs16\par 04/25/2017 - \b EG Development Update\par \tab\b0 - No, we did not just gain another +50 players magically over night.\par \tab - Currently we are working on a new project that requires a lot of bots to \par \tab - be connected and stay connected. Unfortunately since we don\rquote t have another \par \tab - environment that has a similar setup, we need to run this test in EG to test \par \tab - the sustainability of such an idea. What is this new project idea? Well, \par \tab - it is filed under classified and is only on a need to know basis.\par \tab - To get a better estimate of EG\rquote s current population, apply the current \par \tab - function to the current population: f(n) = n - 50, where n is an integer that \par \tab - is greater or equal to 0 and less than infinity and is the current population number \par \tab - you see in the main menu. If done correctly, f(n) will represent a more realistic \par \tab - population size. This test will likely run for a couple of weeks or less with the \par \tab - bots hiding in a private arena. This is all we can say for now. Thanks.\par \par 04/16/2017 - \b Public/Bot Updates and Fixes\b0\par \tab - Fixed special items for baseduel. You should no longer get thors/portal.\par \tab - Fixed flags issue for base duel. You should no longer be able to bring flags into it.\par \tab - Fixed warping to center for base duel. You should no longer be able to warp to center while in match.\par \tab - Added in quick win prevention against team kill and players are no longer\par \tab - allowed to drop flags near a safezone.\par \tab -Thor is now back in public game play..\par \tab -No-antiwarp near the center has been re-enabled.\par \par 04/02/2017 - \b Bot-EG-Baseduel\b0\par \tab - !accept or !a and !duelinfo or !di works now.\par \par 04/01/2017 - \b !buy.list has been updated\b0\par \tab - We have removed all items from the buy list except for the ability to buy bounty.\par \tab - We will also be increasing the cost of each bounty to 1 EGC in the near future.\par \tab - This is done so that EGC will have a lesser impact in the gameplay itself.\par \tab - Item slot will also be phased out as well as it isn\rquote t popular.\par \par 01/11/2017 - \b New Map! New Map!\b0\par \tab Thank you doomsy!\par \tab - Team greening has been removed.\par \par 12/18/2016 - \b EGDL Playoffs to resume January 8th!\b0\par \tab Playoff schedules are currently up on forums:\par \tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=336&t=32929 }}{\fldrslt{http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=336&t=32929\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs16\par \tab\par 07/18/2016 - \b Public Arena Rules:\par \tab The following only applies to public freqs (0 - 99)\par \b0\tab We want to make it VERY CLEAR that changing to your opponent\rquote s freq \par \tab to steal and neut their flags or to steal a ball is frowned upon and will be subjected to ban! \b\par \tab\b0\par 06/05/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \b0\tab Removed Safe Zones from the main area!\par \tab Wormholes no longer warps you back to the graveyard and acts as a trap!\par \tab Level 4 Bombs are back for flag/ball carriers! \par \par 06/11/2016 - \b Stay Connected with Desktop Notifications!\par \tab Find out what's going on in EG without having to enter the game! \par \tab Don't miss on anything, read more here: \par \b0\tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://www.extreme-games.net/stay-connected-desktop-notifications/ }}{\fldrslt{http://www.extreme-games.net/stay-connected-desktop-notifications/\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs16\par \par 06/05/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \b0\tab New IDLE bot activated and safe zone time limit removed! \par \tab No longer will you have to worry about being disconnected from idling in\par \tab safe zone and is all thanks to Z0id^!\par \par 06/03/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \b0\tab Minor fixes in the new public map.\par \tab Team Greening is now enabled and limit set at 20.\par \tab Portal has been removed from the ?buy list.\par \tab Thor, Portal, Rocket has been removed from Duel/Baseduel. However, you might still\par \tab be able to buy those items via !buy.items or event prizes. \par \tab Further adjustments still needs to be made later to fix those.\par \par 05/31/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \b0\tab NEW PUBLIC MAP! Thanks to Doomsy!\par \tab NOTE: The follow map has warp pads (in white) the you can use to\par \tab warp to top left or bottom right bases that is outside of the main map area.\par \tab We also added in 4 Duels (1 - 4) and 4 Baseduels (11 - 14) as well! \par \par 05/20/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \par \tab BallKilling in Safe Zone has been enabled.\par \tab Center Safe have been moved to the bottom of the map.\par \tab You can now anti all you want in center.\par \tab To get in on the action, simply fly outward from safe zone to get warped.\par \tab Base duel is now being tested in public arena. Currently there is a known bug that swaps winner/losers.\par \tab Base duel will only be available for freqs 10 and above.\par \tab Freqs 0 - 9 WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO DUEL!\b0\par \par 04/21/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \b0\tab\par \tab\b NEW MAP - Is actually an old map but with eel\rquote s touch to it!\par \tab Players now spawns back in the center safe!\par \tab THORS are back on all the ship\par \tab Shark now can carry 2 THORS!\b0\par \par 03/26/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \par \tab NEW MAP by doomsy!\par \tab To make things more Extreme, players now spawns around the center safe! [TESTING]\par \tab Flags/greens radius has been slightly reduced\par \par \b0\par 02/14/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \par \tab Flags now neuts in place [TESTING]\par \tab Jav\rquote s bomb energy cost has been slightly decreased.\b0\par \par 02/14/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \par \tab Flag Carriers no longer gets a bomb level increase.\par \tab Flag Carriers no longer gets a gun level increase.\par \tab Jav\rquote s bomb energy cost has been slightly increased and now cost the same as Levi.\b0\par \par 01/31/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \par \b0\tab\b Thanks for helping us test ONE FLAG!!!\par \b0\tab Once again, EG Staff would like to thank all the players who have participated in our changes as we continue to find ways to improve the zone!\par \tab And thanks for all the feedback that we have gotten in game as well as in the forum!\par \par \tab Flag Changes:\par \tab\tab - Flag Count is currently RANDOM, it can be anywhere from 1 to 20 flags per game. (Testing)\par \tab\tab - Flag Timer is now reduced to 190 seconds.\par \par \tab Ship Changes:\par \tab\tab - Jav, Spider, and Terrier will no longer be able to carry THORS.\par \tab\tab - Weasel max energy nerfed to 2900.\b\par \b0\par 01/25/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \b0\tab\par \tab !!! ONE FLAG is here !!!\par \tab We will now begin testing the ONE FLAG idea in public arena. \par \tab To sum it up, there will only be 1 flag that is set to drop in 15 minutes. \par \tab Killing players will no longer reset the flag timer.\par \tab For more information or if you have any comments please visit {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://www.extreme-games.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=39 }}{\fldrslt{http://www.extreme-games.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=39\ul0\cf0}}}}\cf6\ul\f1\fs16\par \cf0\ulnone\par \par 01/02/2016 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \par \cf4 Happy New Years! 2016! \cf0\b0\par \par \b\tab\b0 Flag Protection has now been turned back on. Ships will be able to take 1 additional bomb while carrying flags.\par \tab Thors are now available as well.\par \par \tab EG Staff would like to thank all the players who have participated in testing our changes as we continue to try and improve the gameplay of this zone!\par \par 12/28/2015 - \b New Pub Additions:\par \tab\par \cf4 Happy Holidays and a Happy 2016 to All of Our Players! \cf0\par \par \b0 Leading into 2016, we've added some new additions to pub play:\par \par \pard\li90\ri1260\b EGC Jackpot:\b0 Where players can donate EGC and challenge other players to\par \b Slots: \b0 They've returned, but are now subscribable and will cost after each spawn\par \pard\li90\b !Shutup Module: \b0 If you are punished with a !shutup, you will work off your time by actively playing \par \b Quickwin Fix:\b0 Quickwins fix is in testing, which will nuet the last flag if you are TK'd or killed in safe\par \par Read the Full Details and Discussion Here: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=165&t=30944 }}{\fldrslt{http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=165&t=30944\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs16\par \tab\tab\par \par 12/01/2015 - \b Pub Setting Changes:\par \par \tab\b0 Public settings has been changed to make things more \ldblquote Extreme.\rdblquote The changes are listed as follows:\par \tab\tab 1. Flag Count has been reduced to 20 flags to match with EGFL\rquote s 20 flags.\par \tab\tab 1a. Periodic Flag Reward Points has been increased based on the # of players in the arena.\par \tab\tab 2. Flag Carrying time has been reduced to 180 seconds from 240 seconds.\par \tab\tab 3. Flag Carriers no longer uses more energy when shooting bombs/bullets when compared to non-flag carriers (BUFF)\par \tab\tab 4. Flag Carriers now takes the same amount of damage as non-flag carriers (NERF)\par \tab\tab 5. ?buy portal is now available for purchase for 1 million points.\par \par 10/25/15 - \b End of Slot Items\par \par \tab\b0 As of today we are eliminating slot items. This will help with a few bugs we have been experiencing.\par \tab Thank you, EG Staff\par \par 07/03/15 - \b Steam Launch!\par \par \tab\b0 Today Subspace Continuum launched to Steam. Welcome! There will be many events today. For more information, visit {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=30664 }}{\fldrslt{http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=30664\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs16\par \par \par 02/14/15 - \b Public Arena Changes\par \par \tab\b0 Both public and private freqs are now set to 10 player max per team.\par \tab HITMAN will not longer be available.\par \par 02/14/15 - \b Public Arena Changes\par \par \tab\b0 Both public and private freqs are now set to 10 player max per team.\par \tab HITMAN will not longer be available.\par \par \par 01/07/15 - \b EGSL (Extreme Games Spring League)\par \par \tab\b0 Ahoy there! The Extreme Games Spring League is upon us! If you haven't already signed up, please do so! To learn more about the league and signup, visit the following link:\par \par \tab {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=308&t=30413&sid=22bc500498ad850604590492a1df754a }}{\fldrslt{http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=308&t=30413&sid=22bc500498ad850604590492a1df754a\ul0\cf0}}}}\b\f2\fs16\line\b0\f1\par \par 01/07/15 - \cf7\b Steam Greenlight:\cf0 GOGOGO!\par \par \tab\b0 If you haven't already heard, Subspace Continuum has been given the green light by Steam! What does this mean exactly? There are still a lot of variables, but it does mean that Steam has reached out to take the next steps in getting Subspace connected to their service. This journey began about 1.5 years ago. Congratulations to everyone!\par \tab\f2\line\f1\tab Please be aware that this \b does not mean we are already on Steam.\b0 This will be a very long and unpredictable process. With that being said, long live Subspace!\par \par \tab More information: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=144913037 }}{\fldrslt{http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=144913037\ul0\cf0}}}}\b\f2\fs16\line\b0\f1\par \par 12/21/14 - \b EGDL Champions!\par \par \tab\b0 Everyone, please congraulate \b SNAKE\b0 on winning the 2014 EGDL Championship!!\b\f2\line\b0\f1\par \par 11/07/14 - \b New Prizing Guidelines + This Weeks EGDL Times\f2\line\b0\f1\tab We will be attempting a new way to prize players for each reset. No longer will players be prized for top points. We will prize top killers. \par \par \tab - So, top FIVE killers will receive the following prize: 0.07 EGC per KILL (with a cap of 500 EGC and 1,000 bounty + Proximity)\par \tab - Reccers will receive 1 EGC per kill for each PERFECT record (zero deaths), OR 0.5 EGC per kill for blemished records. This will also include 1,000 bounty + proximity.\f2\line\f1\tab - For squads, the top 5 players will receive 100 EGC each and squad leader will be rewarded with 100 EGC. No proximity will be awarded for this. \par \par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\tab EGDL Schedule for 11/9:\par \tab 2:PM Eastern - Snake vs. Despise\f2\line\f1\tab 3:PM Eastern - FLOCK YOU vs. Situation C\f2\line\f1\tab 4:PM Eastern - Provoke vs. Reaper\f0\fs22\par \pard\li90\b\f1\fs16\tab\b0\par 11/07/14 - \b Quick Wins\par \tab\b0 Quick win bot isnt working right now, if you quickwin intentionally, you will get banned.\par \par 11/03/14 - \b EGDL Update\par \tab\b0 Hey friends! Here are the latest developments in the Extreme Games Draft League!\par \tab\f2\line\f1 Preseason 2\tab\f2\line\f1\tab FLOCK YOU v Sit C, Flock wins: (19 mins)\par \tab Despise v Reaper, Despise wins (1h 13 mins)\tab\tab\par \tab Provoke v Snake, Tie.\par \par \tab Week one starts on November 9th. Let the games begin! \tab\tab\tab\tab\par \tab\par \par 11/01/14 - \b View EGC Account\b0\par \tab With the transfer to the new bot server, we've encountered some issues. In order to view your EGC balance, use the following command to Bot-EG-Pubvents: \tab\b !egc.v\b0\par \tab\par \par 10/30/14 - \b Preseason Matches\b0\par \tab Please note that there \b has been a change in the EGDL schedule. \b0 There will be games this coming Sunday (11/01/14). Here are the following times:\par \par \tab\tab 2 PM Eastern - Provoke Vs Snake\par \tab\tab 3 PM Eastern - Flock You Vs Situation C\par \tab\tab 4 PM Eastern - Despise Vs Reaper\par \par \tab Also, Happy Halloween to everyone! Stay safe.\par \par \par 10/26/14 - \b Preseason Matches\b0\par \tab Preseason matches took place today. Here are the results:\par \par \tab\tab - Snake beats FLOCK YOU\par \tab\tab - Provoke beats Despise\par \tab\tab - Situaiton beats Reaper\tab\par \par \tab Congratulations to the winners! Please remember that games will not take place next week. They will resume on November 9th! Please visit {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://www.extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=294&t=30001 }}{\fldrslt{http://www.extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=294&t=30001\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs16 to see the schedule. Also, if you have any information that you believe would be pertinent to news.txt, please let Baptism know. \par \par \par 10/19/14 - \b Quick Update\b0\par \tab The news.txt has not been updated in some time. Here are some of the latest developments in Extreme Games! A new Halloween map has been published. Thank you to Wormhole Surfer and Rizer for it's development. We also have a new bot server thanks to Rek. All bots and website is in progress of migration. Furthermore, several arenas recieved an update. They are as follows: ?go turretwars, ?go tankelim. EGHockey currently has some issues. Thanks to Wormhole Surfer! \par \tab Last but not least, EGDL had it's draft day. If you would like to see the results, please visit this link: {{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=294&t=29999 }}{\fldrslt{http://extreme-games.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=294&t=29999\ul0\cf0}}}}\f1\fs16 - This is a work in progress. Good luck to all squads!\par \par \par \pard\li90\qj\par \b Thanks for playing Extreme Games!\b0\par \pard\li90\par \pard\li90\qj Extreme Games is owned, operated and supported solely by appointed members of the Continuum player community. Please note that any and all aspects and components of Extreme Games designed, submitted or otherwise incorporated within, is the intellectual property of both the 'artist' and Extreme Games. Use of any aspect or component of Extreme Games is prohibited without prior expressed written consent of both the 'artist' and Extreme Games, and maybe protected under United States and International law governing such matters.\par \par \par Copyright 2001-2016 SSCU Extreme Games, Extreme Gaming Inc. All Rights Reserved.\par \pard\li90\par }